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Ten Ox Herding Pictures #1 - Going Out In Search Of The OX

Jisang Lee
2004 | 74min | color | DV



I am a movie director, One day, I suddenly realized that I did not want to continue with the way I was living. So I decided to leave my life in the city for somewhere else and I began my search for something. I was living with my old and sick parents in Ansan city, My mother could not move nor could she eat well on her own. She was almost near death.
On June 03, 2003, I left my poor sick mother and old father and returned to the soil alone.
I wrote in my daily that returning-to-the-soil with killing of my mother.
Oct. 05, 2003, my mother passed away.
In the fall, I harvested the rice---about 50 liters in the small lot of rice-paddy field.
What I have learned from my search?
A fish-wind-bell under the eaves, clanged by the cold wind from the Hee-Yang mountain, sound sad.
Life is transient, vain and careless.
So I want to embrace all dead things and befriend all living creatures.
Can it be possible? Who am I. looking for a cow?



Jisang Lee

